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Pitch Perfect Template Bundle
Don't want to start from Scratch? Grab my Pitch template bundle: 10 Pre-written Emails to drag, drop & Customize right now!

Skip hours of planning and perfecting your pitches. Just copy/paste and customize these proven pitch templates!

About Me

Hey! I'm Ericka, long time 6-figure freelance writer who has landed many gigs and tons of hot bylines in major magazines and newspapers!

When I started this freelancing journey, I had NO IDEA what I was doing. I sent the worst emails EVER.

Thankfully, I learn quickly and was able to begin perfecting my pitch strategy as time went on. 

Here's the deal: I don't want *anyone* to go through what I did for so many months at the beginning. 

Thats's why I created the Pitch Perfect Bundle! 

This bundle combines everything I've learned about pitching a variety of businesses, editors and clients. 

Never feel stunted again when you're ready to find a new client or score a new byline. 

In this bundle, you'll find cold, hot and lukewarm templates. You'll get the "follow-up" template and even a script for sending DMs! 

Whether you're looking for high paying anchor clients or a hot byline in a major magazine, I've got the templates you need to succeed. 

I've NEVER regretted paying for the convenience of pre-written services like this. In fact, this kind of stuff has SAVED me because I had starting from scratch. It allows you to get to the work you *actually* want to do!

Before I tell you more about this offer, let’s talk about who this is really for…

Beginner freelancers who know they want to start pitching, but don't have time to write pitches from scratch. 

Somewhat experienced freelancers who have written pitches before, but are sick of going back to the drawing board and want a quick reference.

Any freelancer who doesn't want to waste time with the copy of a pitch and would rather do the work of writing & cultivating good story ideas!

A Bit More on Ericka

Proven Experience

Ericka Andersen has been published in the New York Times, the Wall Street Journal, USA Today and more. She is a regular columnist for WORLD Magazine and writes regularly for Christianity Today an other outlets. 

Ericka is the author of two, traditionally-published non-fiction books. She runs a 6-figure freelance business, with proven strategies to gain high-ticket freelance writing clients and generate consistent income for 4 years in a row. 

Pitch Perfect Template Bundle

THE COLD PITCH: Two different cold pitch templates here. You'll receive a proven cold pitch for high ticket freelance copy writing clients. You'll also get a cold pitch template for an editor at a high profile magazine or newspaper! PLUS: REAL EXAMPLES TO PULL FROM!

THE WARM PITCH:  For former colleagues, co-workers, acquaintances, friends or "friend of a friend," the warm pitch templates offer a friendly familiarity that give you the one-up on moving to the next step! Stand out from the crowd & nail those jobs with these pre-written templates!

THE FOLLOW UP: The follow-up is *everything.* Grab the templates that have landed me clients that got me to six figures and scored me bylines in major publications. Editors & managers are busy. Your stand out follow-up is the KEY to your success as a freelancer.

THE COLD PITCH: Two different cold pitch templates here. You'll receive a proven cold pitch for high ticket freelance copy writing clients. You'll also get a cold pitch template for an editor at a high profile magazine or newspaper! PLUS: REAL EXAMPLES TO PULL FROM!

THE WARM PITCH:  For former colleagues, co-workers, acquaintances, friends or "friend of a friend," the warm pitch templates offer a friendly familiarity that give you the one-up on moving to the next step! Stand out from the crowd & nail those jobs with these pre-written templates!

THE FOLLOW UP: The follow-up is *everything.* Grab the templates that have landed me clients that got me to six figures and scored me bylines in major publications. Editors & managers are busy. Your stand out follow-up is the KEY to your success as a freelancer.

what you will get

Don't miss this sweet offer! These are newly updated templates able to be adapted to any industry. No matter what your niche, this is your key to faster, better pitching. 

By getting these templates, you will...

How to cold pitch & stand out from the crowd
The familiarity formula that lands you an interview
The follow-up secrets that work (because most people aren't doing them!)
Total Value: $500 

$500   $197! 

Contact information

Billing address

SPECIAL OFFER: Secrets to Getting Published in the New York Times!

Special one-time offer, only $47!
This mini-course is normally $197, but it's available right now only for just $47. Learn from veteran freelance writer Ericka Andersen, who has been published THREE TIMES in the New York Times. 

If you dream of seeing your byline in the world's most famous newspaper, writing about culture, tech, food, opinion or something else -- this is were you'll learn!

This class includes the name and email addresses of NYT editors!

Payment information

You will not be charged for this purchase, but if you choose to make an optional purchase later, this card info will be used to complete that transaction!

  • Total payment
  • 1xPitch Perfect Template Bundle$197

All prices in USD

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